Company News About Main components and functions of the binary gas mixing and proportioning equipment
The main components and functions of the binary mixture proportioner equipment of the fully automatic standard gas preparation device of the diversified intelligent gas distribution equipment.
1. Gas flow meter: It is the control mechanism of this system, and its action is directly controlled by the executive structure. It is the key component of mixing and proportioning.
2. Pressure stabilization and pressure reduction control valve: control pressure and flow, mixture pressure main pressure stabilization components。
3. Analyzer: It is the testing mechanism of this equipment and displays the percentage content in the proportioning gas. (External)
4. Switching valve: control the gas on/off and stop the operation of the equipment.
5. pressure sensor: detect the pressure of the gas mixture, and with the valve to adjust the pressure, the upper and lower pressure limit parameters to confirm
6. Mixing tank: Mixing tank of mixed gas, mix each way of gas evenly.
7. Touch screen: display real-time process, gas distribution parameters, alarm parameters, etc.
8. Electrical combination: control and operate the equipment, visually display the work flow and working status.
Multi-intelligent gas distribution equipment fully automatic standard gas preparation device 2 elements package mixed gas distribution equipment composition and system design
Multi-intelligent gas distribution equipment fully automatic standard gas preparation device 2 elements encapsulated mixed gas distribution equipment gas supply unit
The raw material gas is provided in the form of high-pressure cylinders, and the gas is sent to the corresponding entrance after decompression. When the cylinder gas is less than the pressure range required for gas distribution, sound and light warning will be issued, and the combustible gas pipeline is equipped with a one-way valve to avoid hazards caused by other gases under pressure, so as to ensure the stable operation of proportioning equipment and constant pressure to a large extent.
The above is the working principle and technical characteristics of the gas mixer introduced by Wolfly. We hope that we can provide you with a reference.
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